Monday, April 18, 2011

Reflecting the Inner You

Did you know that everything in your outer life (at home) mirrors your inner self?   Think for a moment about your home.  If you're there right now, take a moment to look around. How would you describe what you see? Is it welcoming, stark, crowded, pleasing, functional, dreary.....?  However you find yourself describing it, realize that is the outer manifestation of what is going on with you on the inside.  

Wow... this was profound for me when I first had the realization & it really got me in to high gear! For the most part, I have always craved order in my surroundings.  However, in hind-sight, I can look back & in seasons of transition or particularly stressful times in my life, there it was. Chaos. In my surroundings. For all the world to see. I don't want this for myself & I don't want it for you either. We all deserve peace & contentment. Pleasant surroundings.  Half of the battle is just in knowing. Most people are not even aware of the huge effect their home environment has on them.

The truth remains. Your home is the living picture of who you are & what is going on in your life.  So, in essence, your home is a mirror.  I hope your reflection is one of beauty & calm. 

Understanding Feng Shui can help you achieve harmony & health. I have enjoyed the success of simplifying my life. It pays great dividends.  Let me know if I can help. I would love to hear from you

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